Jared Epp

Jared situates his art practice within the entangling of our contemporary media landscape, consumerism and sense of self and community. He explores, in analog and physical material ways, the relationship between the physical and virtual experience of space and self. He has pursued these ideas in different media including speculative fiction filmmaking and body cast sculpture work. Jared is currently based in Edmonton.


“Tag a Friend”

How can we animate space and build connections in public in ways that seem so easy to do online? I explore this question through an interactive engagement with the practice of tagging, from social media to graffiti. In this installation, I encourage folks to "tag" a friend, write a message or sketch an image onto a public body while thinking about communication and community between digital and physical public space.

LOcation: River landing

Find Jared south of the spray park in River Landing. See the full map for more details.


Susan Mills with JackPine Press


E. M. Alysse Bowd