E. M. Alysse Bowd

E. M. Alysse Bowd holds a BFA in Ceramics from the Alberta University of the Arts in Calgary, Alberta and an MFA from NSCAD University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her creative practice navigates interdisciplinary explorations between object-making, live art, and drawing practices. Bowd’s creative practice has investigated and discussed several aspects related to societal notions of female perfectionism, self-care and Motherhood Mythologies.

“White Noise Karaoke”

In White Noise Karaoke, a woman continuously vacuums the festival grounds, singing confidently along to the soundtrack playing only in her headphones. Her vintage vacuum cleaner has morphed into an oversized dollhouse and emits a warm glow. The work resonates with themes of domestic rituals, gender performance, humour and valourizing the everyday.

LOcation: River landing

You will find Alysse performing along River Landing between the spray park, up the curved path and into Friendship Park. See the full map for her path.


Jared Epp


Write Out Loud