Cristine Andrew-Stuckel

Cristine Andrew-Stuckel is a mixed-media visual artist living in the Saskatoon area. She experiments with combining and layering various mediums and imagery to create multi-faceted work. Her experience as an adoptee has instilled a lifelong search for belonging and an intrinsic need to fixate on and examine notions of “realness”: authenticity, legitimacy, and exactitude — themes that take on a new and pressing relevance in a globally connected world.


Social media, selfie culture, and the dawn of the influencer have created a compulsion to project a flawless reality to the world. The glitz-and-glam of Artificiality considers the allure of simulated realities in a world where CGI, AI, and other manipulated media technologies threaten human integrity. Take a selfie among the distorted reflections of the installation and add your silhouette to a collaborative drawing where each layer further abstracts the human form.

LOcation: Saskatchewan Crescent E

Head west of Eastlake Avenue to find Cristine on Saskatchewan Crescent E. See the full map for her path.


Kyuubi Culture


Luke Maddaford