SK Printmakers

SK Printmakers is a volunteer-run not-for-profit that exists Saskatchewan-wide to provide print artists at any stage in their career exhibition and networking opportunities. This member-based organization aims to connect artists working in print media across the province and country.

@skprintmakers |

“Not a Fingerprint, but a _________ print”

Blueprints are important in the construction of any structure whether it’s a bridge, home, or public space. Without a plan, building materials can go to waste, key details may go unnoticed, and the original intention of the construction can become distorted or incomplete. Blueprints are the measured, visual representation of the hopes and goals of everyone involved in the construction of a project.

For this printmaking event, SK Printmakers will use the idea of blueprints representing planning, growth, and visualizing goals to create images that will be exposed onto silkscreens. Throughout the evening, Nuit Blanche participants will work with SKP members to screenprint these images onto 10” x 10” sheets of recycled blueprint paper.

Nuit Blanche participants will be able to take their printed blueprints with them.

This project is supported by Culture Days.

A screen printing frame with red ink and a light bulb stencil, mid-printing process.

LOcation: École Victoria Rink

Look behind 639 Broadway Avenue to find École Victoria Rink. See the full map for more details.


Abraham Galman


Community Dance Stage