404 Food Not Found

404 Food Not Found is a collaboration piece from Saskatoon artists; Lesley Kerpan, Dana Poniewozik and Aden Ritter. All of whom use their art to explore different themes of nostalgia, mixed media and experiential art.

404 Food Not Found formed as a comment on the rise of food costs and the misleading practices in consumerism as it affects the everyday person. They hope to continue this collaboration and create more work together in the future.

@lesleykerpanstudios | @_art.byd | lesleykerpanstudios.com

“404 Food Not Found”

404 Food Not Found is a commentary on the rise of food costs, mass consumerism and the idea of not getting what you paid for. Through this interactive piece, the audience is invited to partake in the performance but, is left with disappointment. Canadians have been vocal about the rise of food costs and how it impacts them personally. However, we have no other options and pay these outrageous prices out of necessity. Food quality has been lowered and Canadians feel the impact. Our work is meant to invoke feelings of disappointment through our own take on misleading practices in consumerism.

LOcation: odla

In front of Odla Restaurant, 801 Broadway Avenue. See the full map for more details.


Community Dance Stage


SCC Presents: Charley Farrero and Evan Quick