NBYXE 2017 Artists

Amalie Atkins with Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra Members Aprons” | Andreas Buchwaldt “(de)compressions” | Cate Francis “Monstrous Mural” | Colby Richardson “Under the Bridge IV” | Curtis Peeteetuce “Immemorial” | Dani DaleLandmarks Lost” | Dee Lowe “Child’s Play / It’s a Wrap” | Dylan Toymaker “Festival Street Lanterns” | Ecole Victoria School “Aurora” | Georges Vanier School “Eye On U”, “Kinetic Karts” “Lumières Sur Le Pont”, “Prairie Pharos”, “Shadow Selfies”, “Urban Umbrella” | Factor Eight & Kenton Doupe & Anthony Bischoff “Lodestar” | Indigenous Poets Society “Newo” | Jean-Sebastian Gauthier “Dans la Measure / Within Measure: an immersive video installation” | Jordan Schwab & Live Five Theater “Southern Dandy 75” | Laura Hale “UNDERPASS” | Lindsey Rewuski “Auspices” | Lyla Rye “Overshadow 2” | Manuel Chantre & Michele Mackasey “Frenge” | Marie Lannoo “Beyond Blue” | Monique Blom & Arantxa Araujo “Meating the Challenge” | Monique Martin & Margaret Michel “Eclat” ,“Luculent”, “Slow Emergency” | Negar TajgardanAs We Remember!” | SaskAcro “Finding the Light” | Scummy Magic | Sean Arden & Erin Siddall “Missaskwatoomina View” | Stephanie Kuse “SYZYGY” | Susan Mills “Glow-in-the-dark books”

//Photographed by Ben Schmidt, Zenja Ivkovac & Nolita Studios

//Curated by Michael Peterson