Nuit Blanche 2024 Artists

Nuit Blanche Eve Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Nuit Blanche Eve Nuit Blanche Saskatoon

Kai Nim

"Blurred Lines" explores the passing of time and how the comfort of daily routines can cause us to lose ourselves in its rhythm. This project symbolizes the blurring of our life as a whole; actions, memories, experiences, and relationships, which are simultaneously created and lost as time progresses. "Blurred Lines" aims to inspire people to maintain an inherent curiosity, to experience life beyond the mundane day to day. It asks visitors to fight for more beyond simply existing and to fully embrace the joy and possibilities that their time here has to offer.

Outside the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery

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Nuit Blanche Eve Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Nuit Blanche Eve Nuit Blanche Saskatoon

Trinity Kernaz with the USSU Women's Centre

“What it Means to be a Woman” is in collaboration with the USSU Women’s Center. The project features a large-scale acrylic painting with an interactive element alongside it. The painting portrays Kernaz’s best friend, “one of the strongest women I’ve ever met”, who was born in South Korea and came to Canada when she was just 11 years old. After conducting a short interview with her friend, Kernaz captured her with elements that are dear to her and what she feels it means to be a woman. While the hardships and challenges of being a woman can be draining, Kernaz aims to create positivity and uplift the voices of women with this project.

Painting Studio (Murray 290)

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Nuit Blanche Eve Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Nuit Blanche Eve Nuit Blanche Saskatoon

Ally Seifert with the Neuroscience Students' Society

In collaboration with the Neuroscience Students' Society, this project aims to blend science and art to communicate the mechanisms behind vision. Vision is the summation of complex neural circuitry and electrical signalling, which allows us to see the world. With this project, we will explore how the anatomical pathways that exist in darkness can light up our perception of the world.

Drawing Studio (Murray 190)

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Nuit Blanche Eve Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Nuit Blanche Eve Nuit Blanche Saskatoon

MIX Print Collective

MIX aims to foster community engagement and share their love of printmaking with a block printing demonstration and workshop. Stop by their pop-up sale in Upper Place Riel and try out block printing for yourself! Choose from a variety of pre-carved designs and MIX will show you how to ink it and print it so you have a mini print to take home.

Upper Place Riel

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