Nuit Blanche 2024 Artists

Broadway Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Broadway Nuit Blanche Saskatoon

The Cosmic Groove Chefs

Laser Sorbet is a sonic and visual palate-cleanser between BreakOut West acts at the Broadway Theatre, consisting of a light/laser show accompanied by an ambient sound piece.

Cosmic Groove Chefs

The Broadway Theatre

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Broadway Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Broadway Nuit Blanche Saskatoon

BreakOut West

BreakOut West is an annual music event that includes an immersive music development conference and a music festival hosted by the Western Canadian Music Alliance. The 2024 BreakOut West Festival is hosted from September 25-29 in Saskatoon. Enjoy listening to a few selected artists on this outdoor stage.

BreakOut West

École Victoria Rink, behind 639 Broadway Ave

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Downtown Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Downtown Nuit Blanche Saskatoon

Concoction: PAVED Arts Members Screening

Join PAVED Arts for their annual members’ screening!

This event celebrates the creative video production of PAVED Arts members, including artist-controlled and independent works that are made with equipment and other resources that PAVED Arts has to offer.


Alt Hotel, second floor

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Downtown Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Downtown Nuit Blanche Saskatoon

B!G Art

What does a door mean to you? Does it evoke feelings of opportunity or anxiety? How did a door become such a metaphor for success, failure, opportunity, family, home, change, transition, and so many other moments of emotional connection? This project explores the greater meaning of a door, and its ability to change our path in life when we have the courage to open it. After all, it’s just a door.

Big Art

K W Nasser Plaza, 2 Spadina Crescent E

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Broadway Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Broadway Nuit Blanche Saskatoon

The Vortex Concern

A long tunnel of shifting, rotating, pulsing light stretches into infinity. At times a strange dark figure appears in the vortex. Their actions seem to have power over the swirling void, controlling and changing it via movements and sweeping gestures. Sometimes when one stares into the infinite long enough, a guide may appear...

The Vortex Concern

Broadway Shoe Repair, 638 Broadway Ave

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