Evie Johnny Ruddy

Evie Johnny Ruddy is a trans non-binary artist, scholar, and settler living in Treaty 4. They are an Assistant Professor in Creative Technologies & Design in the Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance at the University of Regina and a PhD Candidate in Cultural Mediations at Carleton University. Evie Johnny creates interactive AR, web-based, and locative audio experiences to disrupt colonial, cisheteropatriarchal logics in the pursuit of reimagining more joyful and liberatory futures.

@johnnymariee | eviejohnny.ca

“Trans cARe billboards”

What might the city look like if trans people used digital media to speak to one another in everyday urban spaces? The Trans cARe billboard project is an augmented reality (AR) scavenger hunt for 3D digital billboards that radiate joyful messages of trans care and affirmation. Using AR, trans artist Evie Johnny Ruddy has located four digital billboards on the festival grounds. When you find the locations, you can view these life-size billboards through an AR app, and it will look like Saskatoon is adorned with playful, trans-affirming messages.

This project is supported by Creative Technologies & Design in the Faculty of Media, Art and Performance and the Kenderdine Art Gallery.

LOcation : 3rd ave s

Head to 3rd Ave S to see Evie Johnny’s AR billboards, across from Meewasin Valley Authority. See the full map for more details.


Dan Dan Art


Micro Drag: Smallest Stage for the Biggest Personalities