Museum of Antiquities

The Museum of Antiquities is a hidden gem on the prairies, featuring a collection of Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Near Eastern artifacts. The collection includes full scale replicas of famous sculptures like the Venus de Milo, the Sleeping Hermaphrodite, and panels from the frieze of the Parthenon. It is also home to a large original coin collection, original ancient glass, and pottery from across the ancient Mediterranean.

Festival goers will get to see many of these pieces themselves and take part in a trivia game called “Fact or Fiction” to test their knowledge on the collection. Drawing supplies will be provided for those who wish to relax in the gallery space and take advantage of an opportunity to sketch some of the famous works from the ancient world.

About the organization

The Museum of Antiquities was first initiated as a project in 1974 by Ancient History professor Michael Swan and Art History professor Nicholas Gyenes. The collection began as a dozen replicas purchased from the Louvre that were kept in various locations across campus. The long-term aim of the Museum is to offer a reliable and critical account of the artistic accomplishments of major Western and Middle Eastern civilizations from approximately 3000 BCE to 1500 CE.

LOcation: administration building

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Jeff Thomas in the College Art Galleries


Audie Murray in the Kenderdine Art Gallery