Saskatoon Experimental Music Ensemble

The Saskatoon Experimental Music Ensemble creates community-oriented music based on improvisation and experimental composition with an emphasis on exploration and play. Meeting regularly since the fall of 2022, they have performed several concerts, including at the Strata New Music Festival and Sounds Like: An Audio Festival. They are made up of a core of Saskatoon-based musicians, and welcome participation from any members of the community.

@saskexme | Saskatoon Experimental Music Ensemble Page

“Mobile Acoustic Band (MOAB)”

An avant-garde marching band of experimental musicians exploring the unexpected art spaces of Nuit Blanche. They will be travelling throughout the festival spaces presenting impromptu, mobile, mini-concerts. They will play with the expectations that come with a marching band, including costuming, relating sound to movement, playing as part of a cultural ritual, and accompanying the spectacle of the festival, all through the lens of an experimental improvising music ensemble that finds itself outside in downtown Saskatoon.

LOcation: Throughout broadway & downtown

Find the Saskatoon Experimental Music Ensemble marching throughout the Broadway and Downtown neighbourhoods. See the full map for more details.


SCC Presents: Charley Farrero and Evan Quick


Asia Wills, Julianna Phillips, Tess Johnson, and Jesse Fulcher Gagnon