Leanne Read

“Flux Fusion”

During the Winter 2024 term, students enrolled in ART 331/461 explored Character Animator, After Effects, and Blender, embarking on a journey of experimentation within these programs. The course provided a path for students to progressively merge 2D elements into 3D environments, with each project serving as a stepping stone to build on their skills and push their imaginations.

The highlight of their efforts is presented in this continuous looping reel, showcasing a diverse array of animations that reflect the depth of their learning and the experimental use of both 2D and 3D techniques. "Flux Fusion" suggests a merging or blending of elements that are in a state of flux or constant change. It’s a dynamic combination of different components and concepts coming together to create something new and original.

About the artists

Leanne Read, who is completing her Master of Fine Arts at the University of Saskatchewan with a major in Studio Art and an interdisciplinary approach focusing on sculpture and digital media, was the instructor of ART 331/461 in the Winter 2024 term.

Featured students are Meerah Abesia, Ailah Carpenter, Noel Doll, Alistair Glennon, Arden Hernandez, Darius Kiskotagan, Sarah Kostuk, Yiyang Lin, Adam Logan, Kira Mayhew, Kelly Neuda, Vinh Pham, Tessa Podbielski, Adrian Porter, Aakash Thaker, and Gracyn Torgerson.

LOcation: airplane room (thorvaldson 271)

Find all Nuit Blanche Eve projects at the University of Saskatchewan campus. See the full map for more details.


Aspiring Young Artists Camp


Anna Elliott with quanTA: Centre for Quantum Topology and Its Applications