Lorna Conquergood + Mila Pshebylo

Lorna and Mila are Saskatoon/Treaty 6 based artists who graduated from the Fine Art Department at the University of Saskatchewan, receiving their Bachelor of Fine Art Honours Degrees in 2019. Lorna and Mila have successfully collaborated many times, most notably on House Warming (2022), a textile art installation for NBYXE 2022. During their education and careers both received many scholarships/grants including some from the SK Arts Board and Canada Council for the Arts.

@lornaconquergoodart | @milapshebyloart | lornaconquergood.com

“No Outside Food or Drink Allowed: Stewardship of Saskatchewan Wildlife”

This piece focuses on human/wildlife interactions and provides an opportunity to practice a healthy and safe coexistence. NBYXE goers approach large white animal sculptures that are animated by video projection of the same animals in nature. Viewers create their own wildlife encounter while practicing to be better stewards of the diverse Saskatchewan biomes.

This project is sponsored by Pig & Pantry.

LOcation: 12th St E

12th St E, in front of Oakberry Acai. See the full map for more details.


Global Biotech Week


The Vortex Concern